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COVID Response & Resources

COVID-19 Resources: News

In March of 2020, the onset of COVID 19 required nonprofit, community serving organizations to quickly reassess and initiate change in the services provided.  MUCH both individually and as part of a system of care addressing food insecurity took numerous actions to address the rapidly changing needs.  


A major change was the food boxes being delivered to families identified by six schools to provide supplemental meals during school vacations was shifted to weekly food box deliveries.  MUCH delivered on an average of 100 food boxes per week throughout the Spring.  The boxes consisted of fresh produce and groceries.  In the summer months fewer schools participated and numbers dropped by half.  Weekly box numbers slowly began to climb in the Fall.  At Thanksgiving 110 boxes and at Christmas 146 boxes holidays larger boxes were distributed to families again in conjunction with elementary schools.  Weekly food boxes have continued into 2021 all while complying to current health guidelines.


MUCH’s commitment to collaboration has been evident to though out this period.  Working with other food sourcing organizations increases the efficiency of all our organizations and better serves the community.  With the onset of COVID 19 MUCH has:


  • Reached out to Monadnock United Way to ask them to facilitate a group to share information and improve communication among hunger addressing organizations.  The group was initially facilitated by Paige Martin, MUW, and currently leadership has shifted to Southwest Community Services lead by Beth Daniels.

  • MUCH revised their budget setting aside former plans to assist other organizations such as Tiny Tummies and Kidz Cupboard to ensure their ability to serve children throughout the Spring

  • MUCH did not have the facility to provide summer lunches to the Keene Public Library as in 2019.  They worked with The Community Kitchen and Southwest Community Services and handed the project over to them for the summer of 2020.

  • Tiny Tummies’ assistance was instrumental in procurement and packing of the weekly food boxes.

  • MUCH joined with Monadnock Farm and Community Coalition, Cheshire County and multiple other organizations for form a Food Alliance to seek funding for a comprehensive food assessment of the region which will allow all to improve coordination and hunger services to the community.

The unplanned work of the past year could not have been accomplished without the financial support of multiple organizations such as New Hampshire Charitable Fund, CARES, The Elm City Rotary, The Children’s Health Foundation and private donors as well as the guidance of many for which we are grateful.



Pandemic EBT Info

NH Food Access Map

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